On 9 January 2025 EAE Managing Director Ralf Pasker (3rd from right) took the opportunity to visit FIW München institute and met with Roland Schreiner, Claus Karrer, Prof. Andreas Holm, Christoph Sprengard and Kerstin Lohr (from left). It turned out to be a vital exchange on the upcoming regulatory framework conditions for thermal insulation products and ETICS.

The ongoing CPR acquis technical acquis process, newly established under the new Construction Products Regulation (CPR) will provide the foundation for the standardisation request to update existing thermal insulation standards and the future European product standard for ETICS. There was a fruitful discussion on latest aspects and on how member states’ regulatory requirements and the assessment of environmental product performances can be best integrated in harmonised product standardy.

Futhermore, the year 2025 will be dominated by the national implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).

  • Reducing the energy demand of Europe’s huge building stock will be key for a swift energy transition.
  • Accelerating energy efficiency renovation is urgently needed to achieve EU2030 and EU2050 objectives.
  • Reliable and predictable framework conditions are pre-conditions to lever investments as current developments in various members states demonstrate that uncertainty leads to significant declines in construction and renovation.
  • Vice versa, the construction sector represents with a GDP share of around 9% a strong opportunity for Europe’s economy. Unlocking the barriers will contribute to economic recovery and support domestic value chains.
  • Thermal renovation of building envelopes and energy-efficient new buildings will in parallel support affordable housing, mitigate energy poverty, create healthy and comfortable homes, enable people-centric living environments and ensure energy security (see all benefits on our website).

FIW München, who prepared the Energy Efficiency Guide 2024 and EAE agreed to closely collaborate and to keep their members informed.

Many thanks for the great hospitality and the vital exchange! We look forward to continue our exchanges.

Press Contacts

Ralf Pasker 
European Association for ETICS
Friedhofstraße 3
76530 Baden-Baden, Germany
E-Mail: info@ea-etics.com

Ludger Egen-Gödde
Pressebüro Egen-Gödde
Tauberweg 8
86916 Kaufering, Germany
Phone: +49 8191 66961
Fax: +49 8191 66962
E-Mail: prieg@t-online.de