The second public event organised by the Construction 2050 Alliance, which gathered 200 participants, showed that construction is a sector that can offer many opportunities to new talent.

Sustainability, robot dogs, new technologies for training and education are rapidly changing the image of the construction sector, which is sometimes still perceived as physically challenging, dirty, or dangerous.

The second public event organised by the Construction 2050 Alliance, which gathered 200 participants, showed that construction is a sector that can offer many opportunities to new talent. The discussions proved that in light of the EU Green Deal and of the Recovery and Resilience Plans, construction can contribute positively to restore and create better and safer jobs for European citizens.

Significant efforts are already being deployed by the actors of the sector for investing in lifelong learning, in better working conditions and social protection, in healthier and safer working environment and in better promotion of career opportunities.

However, in order to strengthen and accelerate the process the Construction 2050 Alliance asks the policy makers to:

  1. Ensure that the “Reskill and upskill” flagship is respected in the national Recovery Plans that Member States will need to implement.
  2. Ensure that public money that will be made available in the context of the Renovation Wave and the Recovery Packages should go towards the creation of quality jobs.
  3. Provide tailored financial and technical support to boost green and digital skills and deliver the objectives of the EU Green Deal and Renovation Wave (e. g. use of Digital Innovation Hubs also for skills).
  4. Carry out outreach targeted initiatives for the construction ecosystem to promote its attractiveness among youngsters, women, migrants and professionals coming from other sectors with relevant skills for new construction activities.

The construction ecosystem will play a key role in the achievement of the ambitious goals of the EU Green Deal and of the national Recovery and Resilience Plans. Let’s make it happen.

Press Contacts

Ralf Pasker 
European Association for ETICS
Friedhofstraße 3
76530 Baden-Baden, Germany

Ludger Egen-Gödde
Pressebüro Egen-Gödde
Tauberweg 8
86916 Kaufering, Germany
Phone: +49 8191 66961
Fax: +49 8191 66962
