Quality of ETICS based on 4 pillars

The performance of an ETICS can only be guaranteed if all system components are delivered by one system holder (purchased from a single source) and applied in the tested configurations. System loyalty is fundamental to ensure quality, performance, and durability of ETICS. ETICS are a kit in the sense of the EU Construction Products Regulation: “2. ‘Kit’ means a construction product placed on the market by a single manufacturer as a set of at least two separate components that need to be put together to be incorporated in the construction works” Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council (CPR). ‘Kit’ also means that the system holders take full responsibility for the performance, durability and safety of the entire system. If only one component is changed, the system holder cannot provide any guarantee. According to the Construction Products Regulation in this case the installer finally takes the full responsibility. It shall be checked carefully on-site if
  • system components have been delivered by one system holder
  • comply with the configurations as foreseen by the system holder
Only then the durability and the declared performance as given in the Declaration of Performance (DoP) will be met. EAE members recommend filling a certificate of the applied ETICS. It indicates
  • which system components have been finally installed on site;
  • that these components comply with the system holder’s documentation for the intended use.
The information given in such certificate will also be helpful in case of maintenance.

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