Our jury will take the difficult task to assess the projects received. A short list will be published here in autumn 2023.
Niko Wauters
Niko studied architecture at the Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg in Diepenbeek (1996-2001).
For around 15 years, he worked in several architectural offces specialising in residential projects. As a senior project architect, he realised several luxury projects in that period. Besides private homes, he also realised large residential and offce projects.
From his own practice, Niko specialises in low-energy residential projects such as villas and multi-family houses) where a combination of pared-down lines, high-quality finishing materials and strong craftsmanship are characteristic. Energy effciency receives great attention because of higher comfort, lower energy costs and limited environmental & climate impact.
Adrian Joyce
Secretary General of EuroACE – Energy Effcient Buildings, whose members are Europe’s leading companies that provide the products, equipment and services that go together to create highly energy effcient buildings. EuroACE monitors the work of the EU Institutions and consistently calls for an ambitious EU policy and legislation framework that will deliver highly energy effcient and decarbonised buildings by 2050. It also works to ensure the establishment of the market conditions that will encourage, among other things, a significant increase in energy-related renovations to existing buildings.
Adrian Joyce is also the Campaign Director of the Renovate Europe Campaign, which was initiated by EuroACE in 2011 to stop energy waste in buildings. Its ambition is to reduce the energy demand of the building stock in the EU by 80% by 2050 as compared to 2005. The Campaign now counts nearly 50 partners and nearly 50 high-level champions that support its objectives and actions.
Adrian Joyce is a professionally qualified architect who, having graduated from University College Dublin in 1984, spent 17 years in private practice (working in the UK, France, and Belgium and in his native country, Ireland) before getting involved full-time in architectural policy. He was, for 18 months commencing in January 2002, the Practice Director of the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland before moving to Brussels to join the staff at the Secretariat of the Architects’ Council of Europe where he became Director before leaving in July 2011.
He holds a part-time post teaching Construction Technology at the Catholic University of Louvain-le-Neuve, Faculty of Architecture, Architectural Engineering and Urbanism – LOCI. He was Chairman of the Coalition for Energy Savings from May 2017 to December 2020.
Prof. Zuzana Sternova
Prof. Zuzana Sternova is EAE‘s Vice President, Director of Building Testing and Research Institute (TSUS), NPO in Bratislava and Chairwoman of the Slovak Association for ETICS (OZ ZPZ). Her main focus is on research, design, consulting and diagnostics in the area of energy performance of buildings, renovation of existing buildings and improvements of thermal protection. She supported the implementation of the EPBD. Prof Sternova is an author of some national technical standards (thermal protection of buildings, performance of ETICS). She is Chairwoman of national TC 58, minor to CEN/TC 89.
The publication activities of Prof Sternova are related to building energy performance of buildings, indoor climate, thermal protection, ETICS and renewal existing buildings. She started in 1978 as lecturer on technical universities. From 2007 she has been lecturer in offcial trainings for energy certification of building (EPBD). She participates in different research projects at national and international level. She was the leading person of several pilot and demonstration projects in Slovak Republic for the renovation of buildings. The last of which was awarded as the best renovated apartment building at the NZEB level.
Dr. Clemens Hecht
Dr. Clemens Hecht is EAE board member for Technical Affairs. Since 2012 he is spokesman of the Austrian ETICS association. In this role he is responsible for technical guidelines (e.g. the Austrian application guideline VAR), Austrian representation in the CEN working group ETICS; training and certification of craftsman (ZFV), PR and cooperation with national and international associations. Main topics are the quality of systems and the execution on site.
Furthermore, the Austrian ETICS association awards the ETHOUSE award every two years,for outstanding thermal renovation, considering both architectural and technical aspects.
Picture credit: Lukas Lorenz
Diego Marcucci
Diego Marcucci is spokesman of EAE’s Italian ETICS member association Cortexa; he was its President from 2016 to 2020. Diego Marcucci became EAE board member for Marketing Affairs in 2022 after holding the role of a chairman of the Marketing Committee for many years.
Diego Marcucci has been working for almost 20 years in Cromology, an Italian ETICS manufacturer. He has a strong focus on sustainability, innovation processes and product development. He has followed several communication and marketing projects and now makes available all his experience for the development and dissemination of ETICS throughout Europe.