For more than three decades Dosteba offer and further develop solutions that support perfect installation of ETICS and accessories. It starts with tools to cut thermal insulation boards on site easily and precisely (under Spewe brand). To fix attachments to ETICS insulated facades securely and without thermal bridges Dosteba offers a vast variety of solutions, from small to heavy load bearings. See
Marcus Menden and Ralf Pasker reflected on the situation in European ETICS markets and recognized diverging developments. National markets with stable framework conditions perform better than others. Takeaways:
- As buildings account for 36% CO2 emissions and 40% of energy demand accelerating the rate of renovation is a key tool in the fight against climate change, and will deliver major benefits for people, their quality of life, and the economy.
- The energy efficiency first principle as required in Article 3 of the Energy Efficiency Directive needs to be taken seriously but seems often underrepresented in political discussions. Lowering the total energy demand by thermal insulation will lower GHG emission already with fossil fueled heating devices. It helps to limit peak demands in our electricity grids with increasing numbers of electric heating and cooling devices and EV charging hubs. Together with smart control buildings need to become part of our energy systems.
- Highly volatile decision-making in terms of regulation and financial support is poison for the urgently needed increase of renovation rates. The entire construction value chain is already confronted with numerous challenges. To take decisions in long-term investments such as buildings and capacity building continuity and predictability are key. At least a reliable pathway to 2030 is essential with trajectory to 2040 and 2050.
- Positive and consistent storytelling is key to take building owners and people on board the transition journey. Many of them are willing but confused and/or need technical and financial assistance. The renovation passport guides to deep or staged deep renovation.